Being a sustainable business involves improving short-and long-term profitability by managing economic viability, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
Our business is already strong, but we want to go much further. Our progress is being built on five core pillars: Sustainable farming; sustainable food production; sustainable packagaing; sustainable business and community; sustainable products.
Recognition of our efforts from a variety of independent third-party organisations only spurs us on.
The Pilgrim’s UK 2030: Sustainability Strategy Progress Report
Our Sustainability Strategy Progress Report outlines the business’ progress against its sustainability roadmap and strategy, which is built around five core pillars: sustainable farming, sustainable food production, sustainable packaging, sustainable people and community, and sustainable products.
Pilgrim’s UK 2030
Pilgrim’s UK 2030 is our way of saying sustainability guides everything we do. It combines our vision, focus and targets as we take on the three big challenges of our time:
Climate: Climate Emergency is one of the greatest challenges facing our planet. We all see, hear, and read more than ever before of the need to act to change our climate course.
Time is short. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change report, published last year, found that urgent changes are needed to reduce the effects of climate change. It estimated we have just 12 years to minimise the worst impacts. The UK is the first major economy to pass the net zero emissions law by 2050.
Plastics and packaging: 2019 saw unprecedented consumer interest in plastic packaging and we’re committed to the challenge of reducing our use of unnecessary plastic overall.
Modern slavery: In 2019, according to the Home Office National Referral Mechanism figures, over 10,000 people were identified as victims of Modern Slavery in the UK. The Global Slavery Index puts the actual figure at 136,000 victims. Globally the ILO (International Labour Organisation) estimates that there are 40 million victims of Modern Slavery worldwide.
Deforestation Policy: Soya and palm oil is used within our supply chain as a nutritional requirement for our pigs. We understand the risk of deforestation associated with these commodities and are committed to managing this risk and purchasing de-forestation free soy where possible. We are signatories of the UK Soy Manifesto and will be meeting the requirements of this manifesto to their published timelines. Read our updated Deforestation Policy for further information here.